“Pink Perfection” Bouquet


This exquisite bouquet combines the tenderness of pink roses and alstroemerias, creating a sophisticated arrangement that embodies elegance and style. Surrounded by fresh greenery and wrapped in elegant paper, it makes the perfect gift for a special occasion. The bouquet radiates softness and charm, leaving an unforgettable impression with its luxurious appearance and delicate fragrance. This bouquet is the embodiment of harmony and aesthetics, capable of expressing the most sincere feelings.

Philadelphia area

When ordering a bouquet, please note that the selected delivery date must be the day after the order date. For example, if you place an order on Monday, the delivery will be made on Wednesday. This ensures we can guarantee the freshness and quality of the flowers for your perfect bouquet.

Each bouquet will arrive with flower care instructions. Please note, certain fragile products are available for a Philadelphia area delivery only.


The fresh flowers from Amare Flores  are delivered in original packaging. Remove the packaging and place the flowers in a vase. We recommend not cutting the ribbon tying the flowers to keep the shape of the bouquet.


Cut 1 cm of the stems at an angle, remove the lower leaves and thorns. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days.


Fill a vase with cold, clean water and add 1/3 of a Cryzal packet. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days.


To prolong the life of flowers, we recommend placing the bouquet in a cool place, away from sunlight.

If you would like something special , you can contact us through our Instagram or to text us 267-949-6462

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